Sunday, October 24, 2010


When you look at this site, many emotions leap off the screen. This is a community full of energy, and experience, and feeling. There are those who are guilty, those who are in pain, those who are angry, those who are resigned, confused, searching. All of them are honest. I hope that this honesty will inspire whoever reads it. It has inspired me.

When I began my quest to develop the S.U.R.V.I.V.E. program, it was for myself. I needed a way to escape the horror of my own life. But now that quest is much bigger. There are so many people who can benefit from it. Meeting the members of this group has shown me that. Touring across the country, meeting people in every town and every state, has opened my eyes. We are ALL survivors, and we all need each others help.

Our group is a laboratory for the future. We have suffered at the hand of jigsaw, we have turned the darkness into light. We have learned how to be OURSELVES. And from this community, we will boldly shared with the greater communities around us, and show everyone and anyone how to be a SURVIVOR.

- Bobby Dagen


  1. I understand your desire to help people cope. But for fuck's sake, stop pushing the SURVIVOR angle! All it does is associate these poor people with horrible reality television and songs by Beyonce, or at the very least a rehabilitation montage while Eye of the Tiger is playing in the background!

  2. What's wrong with being a SURVIVOR? I think it's completely neccesary to push the point that as a SURVIVOR, you are worthy of a better, more positive life.
